Blogger Widgets


How can we miss having this BIG LOUD shout out to all! This space here is all ready to buzz you with scoops on Asia concert date and venue. This exciting project was created by this bunch of concert lovers (yeap, us here writing!) who had a hard time pinning down our favourite artist's concert schedule in Asia when we were planning an upcoming concert + holiday trip. Oh, did I mention we are from different cities within the continent? Those frustrations? Go figure...(@_@)

For a start, only confirmed schedules or official cancellations will be put up. Give us some time, these baby steps will fly in no time and we are eager to feed you with all the things concert lovers want to know. Why? Simply because we are concert lovers, too!

If you would like to contact us for any information feed or comment, do email us at Don't forget to bookmark our page, follow us on Twitter and Like our Facebook Page located on the right column of this blog.

Note: This blog contains images and links to other sites. If you are the original owner / creator of such content and would like them to be removed, kindly notify us.